2022 OFLPOA Annual Meeting Notice

OFLPOA members are invited to attend the Annual Association Meeting. The Annual Meeting is where we review projects from the previous year, approve minutes from the previous year, and outline the budget for the current year. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this important meeting.

WHAT: OFLPOA Annual Meeting
WHEN: Tuesday, April 19, 2022
TIME: 6:30 PM (start logging into meeting at 6:20 pm)
WHERE: Virtual/online meeting.

Please look in your email for links to meeting material and information.

Please plan to log into the meeting 5-10 minutes early to allow the Board to record attendance and start the meeting on time.

Are You Interested in Serving on the OFLPOA Board?

Board elections are held at the Annual Meeting. This year five positions on the board are open for election.

Four existing Board members are running for re-election: Dan Cochran, Doug Verplank, Patti Killian, and Prashanth Nadiger.

If you are interested in being a Board member, please review this article regarding Board member responsibilities.

If you wish to place your name on the ballot, submit an email of intent to the OFLPOA Board at oflpoaboard@oflpoa.org, by April 10, 2022, at 5:00 pm CST.

Any OFLPOA property owner is eligible to run for election for open Board positions. However, only names submitted by the deadline are eligible to be placed on the ballot. No write-in candidates will be considered. If you have questions about serving on the Board, you can reach out to any of the current OFLPOA Board members.

2021 Annual Association Meeting

The Association Annual Meeting was held on April 27, 2021.  Twenty two households were represented at the meeting.  Four Board members were elected to two-year terms by acclamation:
– Stephanie Calahan (8 Shoreline Court)
– Rob Mikel (29 Drake Court)
– Josh Thomas (807 Eddy Road)
– Marie Poundstone (37 Prenzler Drive)

A full listing of all the current Board members along with the email addresses and phone numbers is available on the Board Member section of the website.

The Annual Meeting Minutes were approved at the May Board meeting and are posted on the website.  The budget and meeting minutes can be found in the Members section of the website under 2021 Annual Meeting Documents.

2020 Annual Association Meeting

The Association Annual Meeting was held April 21, 2020.  Twenty four households were represented at the meeting.  Five Board members were elected to two-year terms and two Board members were elected to one-year terms by acclamation:
Two-year Terms
– Dan Cochran (18 Drake Court)
– Patti Killian (2 Shoreline Court)
– Doug Verplank (604 Old Farm Road)
– Prashanth Nadiger (612 Old Farm Road)
– David Sturgill (1 Prenzler Drive)
One-year Terms
– Stephanie Calahan (8 Shoreline Court)
– Josh Thomas (807 Eddy Road)

A full listing of all the current Board members along with the email addresses and phone numbers is available on the Board Member section of the website.

The Annual Meeting Minutes were approved at the May Board meeting and are posted on the website.  The budget and meeting minutes can be found in the Members section of the website under OFL Meeting Minutes.

2019 Annual Association Meeting

The Association Annual Meeting was held April 9, 2019.  Twenty one households were represented at the meeting.  Two Board members were elected to two-year terms by acclamation:

Rob Mikel (29 Drake Court)
Drew May (915 Eddy Road)

The Board is responsible for filling the two remaining open positions. The Board will appoint two property owners to serve one-year terms as OFLPOA Board Members. If you would like to be considered for one of the open positions, notify a current Board Member.

A full listing of all the current Board members along with the email addresses and phone numbers is available on the Board Member section of the website.

The Annual Meeting Minutes were approved at the May Board meeting and are posted on the website.  The budget and meeting minutes can be found in the Members section of the website under OFL Meeting Minutes.

The Annual Garage Sale was held May 4 and 4 with several homeowners participating in the two-day sale.

2018 Capital Improvement Association Meeting

A Capital Improvement Association Meeting was held November 13, 2018. Seventeen households were represented at the meeting. The OFLPOA Board presented a capital improvement proposal to install an aeration system in Swan Lake to address water quality concerns. OFL property owners reviewed the proposal and voted to approve the purchase and installation of a water aeration system in Swan Lake, beginning operation in Spring 2019.

The meeting minutes, and the proposal presentation, can be found in the Members section of the website under OFL Meeting Minutes (in the Annual Meeting Minutes folder). Only OFLPOA Association Members have access to OFLPOA meeting minutes, including the presentation (members can contact the OFLPOA Board for username and password).

2018 Annual Association Meeting

The Association Annual Meeting was held April 24, 2018.  Twenty four households were represented at the meeting.  Five Board members were elected to two-year terms:

Dan Cochran (18 Drake Court)
Patti Killian (2 Shoreline Court)
Doug Verplank (604 Old Farm Road)
Dave Sturgill (1 Prenzler Drive)
Prashanth Nadiger (612 Old Farm Road)

A full listing of all the current Board members along with the email addresses and phone numbers is available on the Board Member section of the website.

The 2018 budget was approved.  The Annual Meeting Minutes were approved at the May Board meeting are posted on the website.  The budget and meeting minutes can be found in the Members section of the website under OFL Meeting Minutes.

The Annual Garage Sale was held May 4 and 5 with several homeowners participating in the two-day sale.

2017 Annual Association Meeting

The Association Annual Meeting was held April 25, 2017.  Seventeen households were represented at the meeting.  Four Board members were elected to two-year terms:

Rob Mikel (29 Drake Court)
Katie Bowars (5 Mallard Court)
Worth Johnson (614 Old Farm Road)
Rick Galbreath (3 Mallard Court)

A full listing of all the current Board members along with the email addresses and phone numbers is available on the Board Member section of the website.

The 2017 budget was approved.  The Annual Meeting Minutes will be posted to the website soon once they have been approved by the Board.  The budget has been posted and can be found in the Members section of the website under OFL Meeting Minutes.

The Annual Garage Sale was held May 5 and 6 with several homeowners participating in the two-day sale.

OFL Playground

As many of you know, the Old Farm Lakes playground is starting to show its age. The equipment was installed more than 15 years ago and it has come to the Board’s attention that some repairs may be needed. Board members recently visited the playground, and based on their review, the decision was made to close some equipment based on its condition. The tall “curly slide” and the adult swing set are “closed for repairs”. Also, a few adult swings have been temporarily moved to the kiddie swing set.

The Board will discuss the status of the playground over the winter and determine next steps. The playground status and any recommendations will be discussed at the annual association meeting next spring.

Thanks for your patience and understanding as some playground equipment will remain closed through at least the winter.


2016 Mussel Kill in Swan Lake

In late June, we experienced another fresh water mussel kill in Swan Lake. Mussels also were dying in Wildflower Lake which is part of the Old Farm Lakes Gardens subdivision. We estimate the loss of 20,000 mussels in Swan Lake. Fortunately, no fish kill occurred. The pattern and date are almost identical to the mussel kill that occurred last year. The OFLPOA Board notified the Illinois EPA and they sent agents from the Champaign and Peoria offices to investigate.

As with last year, a property owner in the Colonial Meadows subdivision sprayed Roundup around a wet retention basin in Colonial Meadows. When it rains, water concentrated with Roundup chemicals releases into Wildflower and Swan lakes.

The EPA agents spoke with the property owner spraying the Roundup and requested he stop spraying Roundup around the retention basin. The retention basin for the entire Colonial Meadows subdivision is practically right in the front yard of this property owner. He cannot get the city or township to control the weed growth in and around the basin. For health reasons, this property owner is unable to control the weed growth by just cutting them down. The property owner did agree to stop spraying the weeds so we can determine for sure that the Roundup spraying is the cause of the mussel kills. The Board offered to help the property owner in the future in his efforts to get the city or township to manage the weed growth without the use of chemicals are unsuccessful.

In 2013 we experienced a very large mussel kill, estimated to be 100,000 mussels. At that time, it was noted that weed killer was sprayed around a wet retention basin in a different upstream subdivision. Water from that basin also overflows into Wildflower and Swan lakes when it rains. The EPA said they would contact that homeowners’ association and request they refrain from spraying chemicals around their basin in the future.

The EPA is not certain the spraying of the weed killer into upstream water retention basins is the cause of the mussel kill. But the timing of all three past events point to this possibility. However, by the time we notice the mussel kills, several weeks have passed since the application of the chemicals and water samples taken after the mussel kill occurs no longer contain the chemicals. To be effective, water samples need to be taken soon after the chemicals are applied and water flows into Wildflower and Swan lakes.

We are hopeful if the upstream spraying stops, the mussels dying off in large numbers will also cease.

Paved Walkway – Summer 2016

During the second week of June 2016 an asphalt walkway was installed to connect Old Farm Lakes to the Constitution Trail on the empty outlot on Prenzler Drive.  The new asphalt path is six feet wide with a flared entrance and exit.  The new walkway replaces the old dirt trail and provides Old Farm Lakes residents with improved and convenient access to Constitution Trail and Gaelic Park.

The path was approved by OFL members at the April Annual Association Meeting. A photo library  shows the installation of the new paved walkway. The City of Bloomington paid for the first 17 feet of the path connecting to Constitution Trail.  McLean County Asphalt was the contractor who installed the asphalt walkway.